Upcoming 8x10 Direct Positive Portrait Sessions:
July 13 2024 - Mauerpark
August 31 2024 - TBA
Haven't been to one of my 8x10 sessions yet? Press the play button on this here video to get a little taste of what to expect!
What's 8x10?
8x10 falls into the "Large Format" category of photography. The size of the image an 8x10 camera produces is close to 60X larger than that of a standard 35mm/full frame digital camera. This translates to an image of un matched clarity, depth, and resolution.
What's Direct Positive Paper?
For a vast majority of analog photography, negative film is used to capture what the camera sees. In order to reach a final image, that negative needs to be reversed either by creating a print in the darkroom, or by scanning the image and inverting the image digitally. With direct positive paper, a positive image is created when the paper is developed, streamlining the work required to reach a final image.
Why Do I Want One?
Nothing I write here is going to do seeing one for yourself justice. Perhaps it's the combination of the ridiculous resolution of each image that sucks you in, or the unique "Orthochromatic" (fancy word for not being sensitive to Red) look of the image, or the entire image being flipped causing everything to look familiar but new at the same time. Whatever it is, there's one thing for certain. The images produced using this method just feel different. They seem to hold more value than just a standard portrait. They become objects to be kept, displayed, and treasured for many many years.
I'm Intrigued, Now What?
That's great! If you're considering signing up for a session, I would recommend taking a look at the video above to give you an idea of the process of making one of these images as well as checking out some scans of previous portraits I've made using Direct Positive Paper (just below). The video below was made from footage taken during an open-to-the-public session I held here in Berlin. Keep an eye out for more of these happening soon!